DIY Suspension Bridge a Finalist in the Scotch Make Amazing Contest

engineering 201 diy recycled suspension bridge craft left brain craft brain 2

I don’t know if you saw Left Brain Craft Brain’s DIY Recycled Suspension Bridge project from a few months back.  It’s an educational way to have fun with Hot Wheels and learn how suspension bridges work at the same time.  The big news today is that the bridge has been named a finalist in the Scotch Make Amazing Contest.  Because you know, it took a lot of tape :)

play suspension bridge activity left brain craft brain

Click here to build your own suspension bridge.  If you like it, please vote for me!  I could win $5000 and that would buy a lot more tape.  A LOT of tape!  Please click here to VOTE.

diy recycled suspension bridge left brain craft brain make amazing contest

Thanks for reading and thanks for helping Left Brain Craft Brain be a reality in my world.  I’m deeply grateful.

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